Sunday, August 29, 2010

Two Weeks of Reflection

Ally G.      Photo: K. White
Reflections of the first ten days of pre-season training at the varsity level was a topic that Ally G., a junior defender/midfielder authored in between the Cadets first two scrimmages against Bethesda Chevy-Chase and Blair High Schools, respectively.

The first two weeks of pre-season were a good start to our year.

Waking up early to do fitness is not my favorite thing to do, but I know that the end result will ultimately benefit us. Sprinting and working out in the weight room makes us sore and exhausted, but it also makes us faster and stronger. 

Working hard during our whole pre-season, as we did this week, will help us later on. When put in tough situations during games, our speed and strength gained during pre-season will help us come out as the winner. 

If we continue to work hard and work together as we have been doing thus far, then the WCAC Championship is in our reach. 

Go Cadets!

SJC Spirit Packs - Orders Due by 8/31


Under Armour spirit pack orders for the 2010 SJC Women's Soccer Team are due to Marlow Sports no later than close of business on Tuesday, August 31, 2010!

To place an order, follow these steps:

  1. Log onto;
  2. Click on "spiritwear ordering" then enter code: SJCSOCCER
  3. If you a varsity player, be sure to order a GREY hoody sweatshirt. 
  4. If you are a junior varsity player, please order a backpack. Everything else is optional.
 If you have any questions about the ordering process, please drop a line to Coach Lennon at

SJC JV Pre-Season Insight

Despite little media coverage in the first 10 days of pre-season, the SJC junior varsity squad has been setting their own course for success under the leadership of Head Coach Angelo GRANGER and assistant Jonah SCHUMAN.

This behind-the-scenes look at girls soccer from the player's perspective was written by Taylor W. and Seyi O. - thanks, ladies!

We have been a part of the Saint John’s College High School JV soccer team for two weeks now. This is an overview of the past two weeks.

Coach Angelo leads the team onto the pitch. Photo: K. White
Coach Angelo’s Practice
The JV girls trained with Coach Angelo in the evenings from 6pm to 8pm. Coach Angelo put us through performance enhancing drills, such as those focusing on possession and running.  He also worked with us on passing, communicating, shooting, and ball handling skills. He did a great job of being both serious and encouraging. His emphasis was on “doing everything as a team” whether it’s warming up or cleaning up the bleachers after practice. After these first two weeks we can already see improvements in all aspects of our playing.

Strength Training
We have trained with Next Level every morning from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm. Coach Paragi has helped us with conditioning and teach us stretches to help prevent ACL tears. She also taught us that we need to work through the pain of certain exercises.  She frequently told us “no pain, no gain”.  Some of her tasks were difficult for us to accomplish (e.g. gassers, hip-flexor exercises, Indian runs), but we helped motivate each other and got through them.

Scrimmage action against B-CC, 8/23/10. Photo: K. White

During the past two weeks, we played two scrimmages against B-CC and Blair High Schools. Against B-CC, we tied 1-1 as Yoselyn scored in the final 40 seconds of the game. Our team did a great job of passing and communicating throughout the game. In the second scrimmage, both teams were evenly matched and played to the final whistle despite dark conditions. Blair scored in the 69th minute to win  1-0. Coach Angelo told us that we played an excellent game and liked our high energy levels and passing skills.


All in all being on the SJC JV girls’ soccer team is a great experience. Not only did we tremendously improve our soccer skills but we made a great bond with the team. We also love to support the SJC varsity team at their games. Already the JV girls’ soccer team is showing their amazing skills. From our first day of tryouts to our continuing work with Next Level Training, and onto our first scrimmage against B-CC, we knew that this season would be one to remember.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Welcome Back, Patrick!

Natasha gets low during fitness training: 08.24.10
Both SJC teams were in pre-season action on August 23rd as they hosted the varsity and junior varsity squads from Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School for friendlies at Quinn Field.

Under the leadership of first-year Head Coach Angelo GRANGER, the Cadets battled to a 1-1 tie in JV action. Both teams were well-supported by family, friends and peers throughout the 70 minute contest, much to the delight of the SJC student-athletes who have bonded well over the course of pre-season training.

In the nightcap, the varsity found three points thanks, in part, to the heading accuracy of Cat who finished a lovely cross in the 75th minute to give SJC the lead. The Cadets had more of the run of play in the second half as B-CC peppered SJC 'keeper Kirsten with a barrage of short and long-range strikes during the first 40 minutes of play.

The SJC back four, led by Liz, Morgan, Demi and Allison, held their ground well against the defending Maryland state champions. Kudos to all members of the varsity for their efforts in the friendly against B-CC.
Strength training: 08.24.10

The exhibitions were also a time for members of both teams to welcome back SJC assistant coach Patrick PRONK, who had been in his native Netherlands prior to the start of pre-season to attend to family matters.

Welcome back, Patrick!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

2010 Pre-Season Underway

Hot Times on the Turf
Pre-season training for the fall 2010 soccer season began on Sunday, August 16th for more than 70 SJC student-athletes. Head Coach Colin LENNON welcomed all of the players and introduced the coaching staff prior to a medical orientation with the school trainer.

The players have endured “double days” throughout the week which has consisted of technical and tactical instruction followed by individual and group fitness. Next Level Strength & Conditioning was introduced to both teams by Coach Lennon on August 18th, and will continue until the first week of September.

Click on the following video for a preview of the pre-season conditioning program.