Sunday, August 29, 2010

Two Weeks of Reflection

Ally G.      Photo: K. White
Reflections of the first ten days of pre-season training at the varsity level was a topic that Ally G., a junior defender/midfielder authored in between the Cadets first two scrimmages against Bethesda Chevy-Chase and Blair High Schools, respectively.

The first two weeks of pre-season were a good start to our year.

Waking up early to do fitness is not my favorite thing to do, but I know that the end result will ultimately benefit us. Sprinting and working out in the weight room makes us sore and exhausted, but it also makes us faster and stronger. 

Working hard during our whole pre-season, as we did this week, will help us later on. When put in tough situations during games, our speed and strength gained during pre-season will help us come out as the winner. 

If we continue to work hard and work together as we have been doing thus far, then the WCAC Championship is in our reach. 

Go Cadets!